Of thee, 3,760 are boot drives and 203,168 are data drives. Access to the servers that contain said data is restricted to only those who need access as part of their job role. Over 2021, Backblaze added 40,460 hard drives to its pool of drives, making a total of 206,928 drives in total. Over 2021, Backblaze added 40,460 hard drives to its pool of drives, making a total of 206,928 drives in total. There is a brief period where the backed up data is decrypted, reassembled and verified, then copied to the destination USB drive. Backblaze Hard drives are amazing pieces of technology produced on a large scale that can reliably store and retrieve a gigabyte of data for about 0.02. Our restore process is not currently end-to-end encrypted. As the chart shows, the AFR for Q1 2020 was 1.07, which is the lowest AFR for any quarter since Backblaze started keeping track of failures in 2013 (and back then it had much fewer drives). study conducted by cloud-based online backup tool Backblaze might help you to make the. As of the end of Q1 2022, Backblaze was monitoring 207,872 hard drives used to store data.
The challenge many end users are facing is how to choose the most reliable hard disk drive from the dozens of different brands and hundreds of different hard drive models. We don't use your private key to encrypt the drive, though a unique key is generated for that particular drive and that key is only available when you're logged in to your account so if a drive was lost in transit, it would not be accessible to anyone. A group of engineers and enthusiasts from the USA founded Backblaze in 2007 year. This means that the drives are encrypted while in transit, and by resetting the encryption, all data from the drive is inaccessible when we refresh the drives for subsequent uses. The WD drives feature hardware encryption, which we utilize.

We typically see about a 50% return rate, though they tend to have very few write cycles on them. Drives may or may not be used previously.