Back-buttering these shapes can cause cracking.
Note: Do not back-butter ceramic tile with curved surfaces such as chair rails and rounded, decorative listellos. If tiles larger than 15″ (38 cm) are used on any side, back-butter tiles before setting them to provide uniform mortar coverage and maximum support. Follow immediately with more mortar and “comb” the mortar in one direction, using the notched side of the trowel to achieve an even-setting bed. First, using the straight (flat) side of the trowel, apply a thin, even coat to the surface.Using a notched trowel, spread mortar while holding the trowel at a 45-degree angle to the wall.Contact MAPEI’s Technical Services Department for guidance if needed. Select a notched trowel size that is appropriate for the size of the tile.Refer to current Technical Data Sheets on our product pages for detailed instructions.
Mix the mortar according to the instructions on the package.
Mark a line where the second row of tile will start. Pre-cut all tiles, with the exception of the bottom row (first row) of tile. Dry-fit all field tiles as well as border and decorative accent tiles. If you are using border tiles or decorative accent tiles, measure and mark lines to indicate these areas. Transfer the markings onto your wall surface and review the placement. Include decorative inserts and accent tile. Then mark all tile and grout joint measurements on a long wooden dowel rod. It may be helpful to plan the tile placement by creating a “story pole.” To make a story pole, first lay out the tile with spacers in between each tile on a flat surface, which will represent your tiled wall (left to right = bottom to top). It is best to have cut tile at the bottom row of the shower wall if possible. Take time to carefully plan your layout. Using a carpenter’s level, verify that horizontal lines are level and adjust as needed. Using a carpenter’s level and a china marker or pencil, draw the center line so that it continues on the left and right walls of the shower. The intersection of the two lines marks the center point of the back wall of the shower. Measure and mark the center points of the top and bottom of the back wall of the shower. Use a chalk line tool, china marker or pencil to create a line that connects the two points. Measure and mark the center points of the left and right boundaries for the back wall of the shower.