Linux Root Terminal on vocon Cloud – How to save your Image and re-launch a Container based on that Image.Infrastructure Automation – Ansible & SaltStack.HTTPS Apps on Kubeadm Cluster w/ Let’s Encrypt certs.HTTPS Apps on Kubeadm Cluster w/ self-signed certs.HTTPS Apps on Minikube w/ self-signed certs.CKA 17 – Kubernetes Readiness and Liveness Probes.CKA 1 – Certified Kubernetes Administrator Labs (WIP).


I did not remove the existing sample tests created by this template, but do not believe removing them would improve much the actual timings. template typescript, followed by adding the stub file, and loadtest folders. Note: I created the jest test folder using npx create-react-app.

our production app, with similar range of test suite size, takes 20+ s after all possible improvements I have been able to find online - I started from a baseline 60+ s run time.mocha+chai takes ~4s to run the tests on my machine.jest takes ~15s to run the tests on my machine.This test repository / suite is large (~27K individual assertions), but simulates the scope and raw test counts I'm targeting in our production app. I'm looking for any suggestions on strategies or approaches that can be applied to this project, specifically, to get the jest run time to somewhat closer to mocha. See Īlso in this project is second folder with identical tests, except using a mocha+chai+nyc setup to provide evidence that faster testing time should in theory be possible. I have created a repo to explore this further and try to find other options to improve the performance. I have been working to try and implement a "Red Green Refactor" code workflow in our production code base, but the time taken to run tests severely impacts the ability to do this flow efficiently. I too have been struggling with Jest performance on our production react app.